Rob Williams's blog
Grand Theft Auto IV - Would you let the kids in your life play?
Debut of 'Grand Theft Auto IV' drives debate anew
by Eric Benderoff Chicago Tribune (MCT)
28 April 2008
My ACME colleague Bob McCannon has done extensive research on the research about video games - and I'll let him weigh in here about the release of FTA IV in his own unique way. Something he said this morning on our discussion list, though, gave me pause.
It is a simple question, really.
Given GTA IV's content, would you let the kids in your life play?
Susan Douglas - NEWS YOU CAN LOSE (column)
Ever since I read the provocatively hilarious book WHERE THE GIRLS ARE, I've enjoyed Susan Douglas' commentary. Here, she comments on how banal "horse race coverage" of the presidential "election" (and I use the term loosely) remains.
News You Can Lose
By Susan J. Douglas
Read the whole article here.
Remember how Dubya got kid-glove treatment during the 2000 debates, while the press incessantly ridiculed Al Gore? Well, here we go again.
HOMELAND: An Election Without Meaning?
From ACME advisory board member Peter Phillips.
An Election Without Meaning
By Peter Phillips
Hollywood'izing "Horton Hears A Who" (FILM REVIEW)
Hollywood’izing “Horton Hears a Who”
Here’s the problem facing any Hollywood production team charged with turning a Dr. Seuss story into a full-length celluloid feature.
How do you even think of messing with what is already a great tale?
Think about it.
"Jackass" Goes Global!
Oh happy day.
Here's the Jackass story.
MTV to Make 'Jackass' a Global Community
MTV Networks is launching as a global destination for all "Jackass" content. Following the success of the U.S. site, international editions will launch in the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and other countries, aiming to create a global community around the show.
Be still my beating heart. This is cause for celebration!
MEDIA FOLK-US: Music Review - Kelly Joe Phelps' "Tunesmith Retrofit"
Anti-Pop Strip Down: Kelly Joe Phelps’ Tune-smith Retrofit
Hear more at Kelly Joe Phelps.
I was halfway through my third listen of Kelly Joe Phelps’ newest musical project when it hit me.
The guy doesn’t have a single repeated chorus or “hooky” moment on the entire CD.
FILM REVIEW: No Country for Old Men
Frontier Fracas: No Country For Old Men
“The West is the best.” – Jim Morrison
Or not.
What might you get when you cross a novel penned by Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Cormac McCarthy (The Road, All the Pretty Horses) with the vision of directorial duo the Coen Brothers (“Blood Simple” and “Fargo”)?
Get ORWELL on the PHONE: FCC's Kevin Martin Threatening Media Ownership Overhaul by Year's End
Remember summer 2003, friends?
When the FCC issued its June 2, 2003 decision that would have made it possible for one media corporation to own as many as 8 radio stations, 3 TV stations, the cable franchise, and the daily newspaper all in one "market"?
Guess what? They're back. Or rather, the idea is back.
See this - USA TODAY article.
FCC urged to go slow on media ownership overhaul
By Paul Davidson, USA TODAY
New Fun Online Game: Whack-a-Murdoch!
Hi media education colleagues -
I am posting this fun and educational game on behalf of ACME partner Free Press.
"Whack a Murdoch!"
Check out “Whack-a-Murdoch" information below.
Free Press released this game just as News Corp has unveiled its Fox Business Network. As Murdoch’s latest venture is making headlines, Free Press hopes to frame the issue around consolidation and attract a new population of potential activists.
"Fake News"? Enough Already - Go, CMD, go!
Rob sez: Kudos to ACME partners John Stauber, Sheldon Rampton and Diane Farsetta at the Center for Media and Democracy for their cutting-edge work on this issue.
One might argue that most of what passes for "news" on television is "fake" - a small sliver of our daily reality extruded through a variety of epistemological, economic, and political filters like so much shredded wheat.
But the widespread use of VNRS (video news releases) smacks of propaganda of the highest order. Thanks to CMD, this debate, on the heels of FCC fines, seems like a step in the right direction.