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Campaign For A Commercial Free Childhood

Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood is a national coalition of health care professionals, educators, advocacy groups and concerned parents who counter the harmful effects of marketing to children through action, advocacy, education, research, and collaboration. We support the rights of children to grow up and the rights of parents to raise them without being undermined by rampant commercialism. CCFC is headquartered at the NonProfit Center in Boston.
Updated: 12 weeks 1 day ago
Study: Increased TV Time Lowers Self-Esteem in Most Children, Except White Boys
A new study of 400 children shows a negative relationship between hours of TV watched and self-esteem for everyone except white boys. However, not everyone is convinced self-esteem is all that important.
Disney Bans Junk-Food Advertising on Programs for Children
Josh Golin comments on Disneys announcement of its new advertising regualation.
Facebooks CEO Pressed by Lawmakers on Users Under Age 13
Facebook is taking heat from U.S. lawmakers after reports that the company is exploring ways to let children under 13 onto its social network.
Advertising in Schools Becoming More Common
"Financially struggling schools nationwide are increasing the volume of advertising that children see in the halls, at football games and even on their report cards."
Too Much Screen Time May Harm Kids' Fitness
"Spending too much time in front of computers and other electronic screens may cause American children's heart and lung fitness levels . . . to decline, a new study suggests."
Tell PBS: Stop Selling Kids on Fast Food
Today, CCFC, Public Citizen, and Corporate Accountability International launched a campaign urging PBS to end a four-year marketing agreement between the popular childrens show Martha Speaks and the fast food chain Chick-fil-A. The promotion includes 15-second ads for Chick-fil-A before and after Martha Speaks TV episodes; advertising on PBS Kids; and in-store giveaways at more than 1600 Chick-fil-A locations. And to make things even worse, PBS is using the success of its fast food campaign to attract other sponsors looking to target children; they've even nominated the Chick-fil-A campaign for a kids marketing award!
Skeptics Question Whether Vogue Went Far Enough to Promote Healthier Models
"The 19 editors of Vogue around the world made the promise Thursday, beginning with June issues and including editions in America, France, Britan and China. They also encouraged fashion designers to reconsider 'unrealistically' small sample sizes that make ultra-thin models necessary in the first place."
During Screen-Free Week, a Call to Turn Off Digital Devices
CCFC's Susan Linn talks with the Boston Globe about the need to curb our and our children's out-of-control addiction to screens during Screen-Free Week.
Screen-Free Week Keeps Little Ones Busy
"As part of Screen-Free Week, which runs through Sunday and is sponsored by the nonprofit Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, YMCAs across the state are making an effort to promote physical activity."
Screen-Free Week: Parents This Includes You, and Your iPads, Too
"Screen-Free Week runs through May 6, and while it may be difficult, parents should not exempt themselves from the celebration. So, turn off those iPads, stash the mobile phones, and have a week of screen-free powered-down fun. We'll make an exception for Modern Parenthood."
Is Mr Potato Head to Blame for 'Pester Power' Ads?
"Nostalgic adults may look back fondly on jingles from their youth which implored them to buy a Slinky, a Barbie or an Action Man. But successive studies have shown that the commercialisation of childhood - not to mention the ever-present fear of pester power - are serious concerns for parents."
Familiarity With Television Fast-Food Ads Linked to Obesity
"New research presented April 29, at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in Boston shows that greater familiarity with fast-food restaurant advertising on television is associated with obesity in young people."
Special Report: How Washington Went Soft on Childhood Obesity
"At every level of government, the food and beverage industries won fight after fight during the last decade. They have never lost a significant political battle in the United States despite mounting scientific evidence of the role of unhealthy food and children's marketing in obesity."
Disney Turns to Mobile Apps as Show Pilots
"The [California] Senate Committee on Education today rejected proposed legislation that would have allowed districts to advertise on school buses to generate revenue."
Huff's School Bus Ad Bill Dies in Committee
"Disney may have found a new formula for launching original online series: find mobile games that already have a following and treat them as backdoor pilots."
CCFC, Other Groups Target Lorax Movie Tie-Ins
CCFC launches a campaign to Save the Lorax from a slew of corporate partnerships and cross-promostions.
The Lorax Helps Market Mazda SUVs to Elementary School Children Nationwide
Why is the Lorax being used to shill for Mazda SUVs in schools?
Tempest in a Goodie Bag
CCFC's Susan Linn is quoted in this article about the goodie bag rage and the commercialization of children's birthday parties.
F.T.C. Finds Privacy Problems With Apps for Children
A Federal Trade Commission report says mobile app stores and developers are not clear about how they use personal data collected by applications aimed at children.
Hasbro, Intent on Expanding Its Toy Brands, Is Playing All the Angles
Toymaker Hasbro is planning to increase its expansion into movies, TV shows, and online gaming. According to the article, this strategy places Hasbro ahead of many of its competitors.