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Summit 2006
ACME Teach-In 2008
ACME 2008: the National Conference on Media Reform
"Nation" journalist John Nichols puts on his "What the FCC Is Going On" button with a giant white polar bear. Really!
ACME 2008: the National Conference on Media Reform
What do I feel like walking into an auditorium with 3,000 citizens all fired up for media reform?
To quote the late great James Brown:
"I feels good."
ACME Teach-In 2008: CCFC's Josh Golin on Predatory Marketing
The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood's Josh Golin frames his multimedia talk on how corporations use multimedia to target kids, and what we can do about it.
ACME Teach-In 2008: Co-President Bob McCannon's Keynote
ACME Co-President Bob McCannon deconstructs the decided lack of mainstream news coverage re: the recent sub-prime mortgage debacle in his afternoon keynote.
ACME Teach-In 2008: Kenner and Rivera Teach Technology
ACME Teach-In participants have all of their media and technology questions answered by Horace Mann School tech gurus and ACME New York City co-founders Adam Kenner and Sheryl Rivera, just prior to the 4th National Conference on Media Reform.
ACME Teach-In 2008: MEF's Kendra Hodgson's Screenings
MEF's Kendra Hodgson shares some powerful MEF film clips in her discussion-driven workshop about using documentary films for social change.
ACME Teach-In 2008: Co-President Rob Williams-Digital Media
How can we harness the power of digital media to champion a community or social cause important to us? We explored this question in our workshop, looking at a "Turn On The Tap" digital story created by elementary school media makers.