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Campaign For A Commercial Free Childhood

Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood is a national coalition of health care professionals, educators, advocacy groups and concerned parents who counter the harmful effects of marketing to children through action, advocacy, education, research, and collaboration. We support the rights of children to grow up and the rights of parents to raise them without being undermined by rampant commercialism. CCFC is headquartered at the NonProfit Center in Boston.
Updated: 30 weeks 2 days ago
Parents Urged Again to Limit TV for Youngest
The AAP releases a new policy statement reinforcing its recommendation that children under 2 not be exposed to screens. It also raises concerns about the effects of parents media use on young children.
Kids Under 2 Shouldnt Watch TV At All
CBS News covers the AAPs important recommendation that children under two have no screen time.
Pepsi Uses Games to Mask Doritos Ads for Teens, Groups Say
The Center for Digital Democracy filed an FTC complaint against PepsiCo for deceptive and unfair marketing to teens with its horror-themed Doritos web-based marketing campaign.
PepsiCo Wants to Scare the Crap Out of Your Kids
Michele Simon reports on PepsiCos deceptive and unfair digital marketing aimed at teens.
Why Do You "Bother" Living Commercial-Free?
In the CCFC Blog, guest writer Brandy King explains why living commercial-free is worth it for her family.
Ban Food Marketing to Kids
In this Op/Ed for USA Today, CCFCs Josh Golin explains on why, if we really cared about children, we'd eliminate food marketing to kids.
Why Facebook Is After Your Kids
Facebook is lobbying to have more access to children because it believes starting a relationship with kids early is crucial to growing its brand.
To Balance Budgets, Schools Allow Ads
Philly decides to plaster its schools with ads, while one high school student logically says he doesnt think school should be a place where products are advertised.
Inappropriate Content Making its Way to Mobile Apps
Children are exposed to violent and sexualized content as more and more kids are using mobile apps.
The Supreme Court, Video Games and Where the Real Power Lies
Mary Rothschild writes about the dangers of video game violence and what parents can do to protect kids in light of the disappointing Supreme Court ruling that no restrictions can be place on the sale of violent games to kids.
Federal Regulators Rethinking Guidelines on Marketing Food to Children
The FTC announced it will weaken its proposed food marketing guidelines, the result of Big Food lobbying.
Study Suggests That Childrens Food Choices are Affected by Direct Advertising and Parental Influence
A new study finds advertisings effects on 3-5-year-olds food choices are strong, but parents arent completely powerless.
Ads on School Buses a Tacky Idea
This is a great opinion piece on why legislation reintroduced in Florida to allow ads on school buses is scraping the bottom of the barrel.
'App-cessories' Named Hottest Holiday Toy Trends
In USA Today, Susan Linn is quoted on the newest way kids are being deprived of imaginative play: apps, expected to be a popular gift this holiday season.
Centennial Says 'No' to Ads in Schools
Success story! Parents passionate about keeping schools commercial-free convince the Centennial, Minnesota School Board to drop its in-school ad plan.
Got Cash?
This is an editorial in support of commercial-free school buses, commenting on the proposed FL school bus ad legislation, in the Gainesville Sun.
New Florida State Motto: 'This Space Available'
Here's the best quote from this article on proposed legislation that would allow advertising in public parks and school buses in Florida: "What an incredibly stupid idea
advertising in what is supposed to be about natural beauty. And when we put billboards on school buses, what kind of message are we sending to our kids? That everything's for sale?"
Selling Advertising in Schools
Josh Golin tells NBC Nightly News why making ads a compulsory part of the school day isn't fair to kids.
Nickelodeon: Not the Only Company Reaching Young Children Through Advertisements Intended for Older Children
Marlene Schwartz of the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity on the food and entertainment industries' deceptive marketing to very young children.
Infants to 3-year-olds: They're a New Demographic Marketers Are Hell-bent on Reaching
Marketers talk about "beginning a relationship with the child" from birth by getting their brands in front of babies earlier than ever. Adweek covers this new trend of marketers targeting infants.