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Campaign For A Commercial Free Childhood

Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood is a national coalition of health care professionals, educators, advocacy groups and concerned parents who counter the harmful effects of marketing to children through action, advocacy, education, research, and collaboration. We support the rights of children to grow up and the rights of parents to raise them without being undermined by rampant commercialism. CCFC is headquartered at the NonProfit Center in Boston.
Updated: 30 weeks 2 days ago
In-app Purchases in iPad, iPhone, iPod Kids' Games Touch Off Parental Firestorm
Children, often unknowingly, are buying virtual goods from iTunes that cost their parents real money, sometimes lots. The author writes that many parents and public interest groups say that the marketing of these e-goods doesn't have any business in a children's game.
Disney Looking Into Cradle for Customers
Disney has gained access to maternity wards in hospitals and is marketing its new line, Disney Baby, through a company called Our365, a business that sells bedside baby pictures.
Sex Sells: Teaching Kids Not to Buy
As sexualization of young girls in media and marketing intensifies, Diane Levin tells Fox Business what can be done to combat the commercial assault on children.
How Fast Food Companies Super Size African Americans
This Atlanta Post article examines Race-based obesity in America, calling attention to marketers history of marketing unhealthy food to minority communities.
Study Begins to Unlock the Development of Child Taste Preferences
New study suggests that children with detailed mental representations of fast food and soda brands as developed by advertising and experience have higher scores on an added flavour sugar/fat/salt (SFS) liking palate.
Walmarts Anti-Aging Makeup for 8-Year-Old Girls
Walmart introduces a makeup line aimed at tweens with an anti-aging ingredient. Advocates for children say this is taking kids getting older younger way too far.
Why It's Already Illegal to Market Happy Meals to Kids
In the CCFC blog: Michele Simon explains why using toys to market Happy Meals to kids is against the law.
The Naked Truth About Kids Food Advertising
A report last week showed that despite lip service from the Childrens Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative, the industrys self-regulating agency, an overwhelming majority of the products its corporate members market to children fail to meet CFBAIs own standards.
World Health Organization Calls For Measures to Counter Child Obesity
The World Health Organization links junk food advertising aimed at children to the development of non-communicable diseases. The United Nations will meet this fall to create an action plan. WHO names food advertising to children as a major contributor to childhood obesity across the globe.
Reading, 'Riting and Retail
This article examines the increasing commercialization of schools and classrooms, highlighting CCFC campaigns and this years Effectively Embedded report on school commercialism.
Schools in Mendham Twp, Morris, Randolph and Roxbury, NJ, Considering Ads on Buses
New Jersey school boards consider allowing ads on school buses to fill in budget gaps. Josh Golin explains that while advertisers profit from these deals, schools and children get the short end of the stick.
Effort to Restore Children's Play Gains Momentum
Play helps develop crucial skills, advocates say as they try to pull children and their parents away from the screen.
Nutrition and Advertising to Children
A Canadian doctor explains that food advertising to children works--and its a big problem.
Fallen Stars: Disney Has Put a Moratorium on Princess Movies
CCFC's Diane Levin is featured in this commentary on Disney's ditching of the Princesses and their harmful stereotypes.
How Toy Crazes Are Born
This Wall Street Journal article explains how marketers exploit kids' natural developmental tendencies to whip up collectible toy frenzies.
McDonald's Sues Over Happy Meals
The Center for Science in the Public Interest is suing McDonald's for luring children with toys. CCFC's Associate Director, Josh Golin, explains why CCFC supports CSPI's efforts to curb the fast food giant's unfair practice of targeting children with toy offers.
Has Scholastic Books Outstayed Its Welcome in American Schools?
As CCFC launches a new way for parents, teachers and advocates to voice concern over Scholastic's commercialization of classrooms, this author says it's about time schools ditch the company altogether.
Teaching Children the True Meaning of the Holiday Season
The author of this nice little blog post tells readers how they can help children see through the commercial hype of the holidays using resources from CCFC.
Tricked-out Toys
Imagination and creativity are endangered! This Toronto Sun article explains why if you are going to buy kids tech gadgets, you should at least chose ones that spark imagination.
Los Angeles Schools Seek Sponsors
CCFC's Josh Golin tells the New York Times why the Los Angeles decision to allow advertising on school campuses is a mistake.