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Campaign For A Commercial Free Childhood

Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood is a national coalition of health care professionals, educators, advocacy groups and concerned parents who counter the harmful effects of marketing to children through action, advocacy, education, research, and collaboration. We support the rights of children to grow up and the rights of parents to raise them without being undermined by rampant commercialism. CCFC is headquartered at the NonProfit Center in Boston.
Updated: 30 weeks 2 days ago
Media Multitasking? It's More Like Multi-Distracting
Study finds multi-screen users are driven to distraction...and they have no idea.
Kids Have Easy Access to Explicit Music but Have a Harder Time Getting Violent Video Games
An FTC sting finds that while 13% of kids can buy an M-rated video game, 64% can buy music with a parental advisory.
Kids' 'Screen Time' Linked to Early Markers for Cardiovascular Disease
A new, first-of-its-kind study finds that "six-year-olds who spent the most time watching television, using a computer or playing video games had narrower arteries in the back of their eyes --a marker of future cardiovascular risk."
In Online Games, A Path to Young Consumers
This front-page New York Times story about online food marketing to kids features a "Quotation of the Day" from CCFC's Susan Linn!
On School Buses, Ad Space for Rent
In the New York Times, CCFC's Josh Golin and CCFC member Megan Keller explain why putting ads on school buses is not the answer to solving district's budget woes.
Pediatricians Support Screen-Free Week
Doctors show support for Screen-Free Week and speak out on the benefits of screen-free time and space for children.
Power Down for Screen-Free Week
The Vancouver Sun makes a strong case for celebrating CCFC's Screen-Free Week.
Complaint Filed to FTC Over 'Your Baby Can Read'
The Today Show looks at CCFC's FTC complaint against Your Baby Can Read, interviewing Susan Linn and other childhood experts who agree that the product is marketed deceptively.
FTC Urged to Halt Your Baby Can Read Ads
This Associated Press article covers CCFC's FTC complaint against 'Your Baby Can Read' for its deceptive advertising.
Parents Decry Markers Who Push Sexuality on Little Girls
An article featuring Susan Linn, Jean Kilbourne, and the MEF film, "Consuming Kids" in a USA Today Article about marketing sexuality to young girls.
Study: 80 Percent of Children Under 5 Use Internet Weekly
According to a new Sesame Workshop and Joan Ganz Cooney Center report, young kids media use is growing and shifts toward mobile platforms around age 8. TV is the top medium for younger children, but 4 of the top 5 mediums owned by kids are mobile devices.
Food Industry in Europe Engaging in Familiar PR on Marketing to Kids
In the CCFC blog, Michele Simon explains why she left a recent meeting in Brussels "with the impression that the food industry is engaging in the same charade all over the world: setting weak, self-serving, voluntary guidelines designed to ensure companies can keep right on marketing their unhealthy brands to children."
Kids' Ad Market on Course
After a few years of slower-than-expected revenues, marketers to children are "making a comeback." Leading the way: junk food companies using children's movie tie-ins.
With Students Leading the Way, Toronto Says No to Video Ads in Schools
In the CCFC blog, Josh Golin describes how Toronto students, parents and others stood up and shot down a plan for 2 hours of video advertisements in high schools across the city.
Hot-to-trot Ponies? Dolls that Wax? Toys Get Tarted Up
More and more toys marketed to young girls (including the Disney Fairies and Monster High dolls) are becoming highly sexualized, disturbing many parents and advocates for children.
Parents Face Challenges in Keeping Kids Away from Violent Video Games
Violent video games are harmful to children, and many parents struggle to protect their children from their influence.
Born to Be a Princess
Adding to this discussion of Peggy Orenstein's new book, Cinderella Ate My Daughter, Susan Linn explains why Disney's new targeting of newborns and their mothers in maternity wards is so troubling.
School Budget ABCs: Ads Plus Bus Equal Cash
In this NPR news story on school bus advertising, CCFC's Josh Golin says, "Teaching children that things we own is what defines us and is going to make us happy is not a lesson that's good to teach kids--particularly in schools."
Mommy, Why Can't I Watch More TV?
The Boston Globe explains why parents face challenges breaking the screen time habit many children develop during the winter months.
Disney Makes Nightmares Come True in Hospital Maternity Wards
This Yahoo! News article covers CCFC's action urging Disney to stop branding newborns literally at birth.