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Campaign For A Commercial Free Childhood

Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood is a national coalition of health care professionals, educators, advocacy groups and concerned parents who counter the harmful effects of marketing to children through action, advocacy, education, research, and collaboration. We support the rights of children to grow up and the rights of parents to raise them without being undermined by rampant commercialism. CCFC is headquartered at the NonProfit Center in Boston.
Updated: 30 weeks 2 days ago
Children's Publisher Backing Off Its Corporate Ties
The New York Times covers Scholastic's CCFC-inspired decision to cut corporate-sponsored materials.
The Economics of School Bus Advertising
In the CCFC Blog, Josh Golin analyzes a recent Tennessee case and explains why selling kids out by allowing school bus ads, in addition to being unethical, doesn't make financial sense.
Who Put McDonald's In Charge of Kids' Health?
In the CCFC Blog, Michele Simon digs beneath the publicity hype of McDonald's Happy Meal "makeover" and exposes it for what it really is: a move designed to make sure McD's can keep on marketing its junky food to children.
Film Studios May Have Violated Guidelines for Ads on Kids TV Shows
The Childrens Advertising Review Unit, the industrys self-regulatory group, asked the MPAA to investigate whether 2 PG-13 movies were inappropriately advertised to young children.
Does School News Broadcast Expose Kids to Too Many Advertisements?
A North Carolina paper asks whether Channel One exposes kids to too many ads, with quotes from Obligation Inc.'s Jim Metrock.
Critics: FCC Not Policing Kids' TV
CCFC's Susan Linn and other advocates for children respond to the GAO's report findings that rules for children's television lack enforcement on cable and satellite.
Junk Food Industry Determined to Target Kids
CCFC Steering Committee member Michele Simon on the IWG's food marketing principles and extreme push back from the industry in Food Safety News.
GAO: Childrens TV Rules Better Enforced on Broadcast Than Cable
A new report finds that rules on advertising to children on cable and satellite are easily skirted and recommends that the FCC create a strategy to ensure children are not exposed to excessive or inappropriate advertising.
Lawmakers Push for Childrens Online Privacy Law
Representatives stress the importance of protecting children from online tracking, but the FCC falls short of expressing support of (or opposition to) a bill introduced by Markey and Barton.
Summer TVs Top Target: Boys
Television shows like Disneys Phineas and Ferb are looking to hook young male viewers, as well as build a major boy-dominating franchise.
Despite Best Efforts, Kids Are Still TV Junkies
Canadian meta-analysis on efforts to reduce childrens screen time in hopes of getting kids to lose weight finds interventions largely unsuccessful. But keeping kids away from screens at an early age was found to be part of the solution.
Industries Lobby Against Voluntary Nutrition Guidelines for Food Marketing to Kids
The media industry and food marketers align to lobby against the Interagency Working Group's new voluntary food marketing principles for food ads aimed at kids.
Scoreboards Will Ring Up Ad Dollars for Tacoma Schools
Josh Golin on new ad-supported scoreboards coming to high schools in Tacoma, WA.
Lake County School Board Wants Advertising to Help Fill Budget Gaps
CCFC's Josh Golin comments on a Florida district considering okaying corporate ads in schools.
Supreme Court Ruling Means Business as Usual for Gamemakers
Supreme Court overturns California law and rules that video games featuring "killing, maiming, dismembering, or sexually assaulting an image of a human being" may be sold to children under 18.
Media, Kids and Obesity: It's Not Just About Couch Potatoes
Exciting news: The American Academy of Pediatrics calls for a ban on junk food ads aimed at children.
Jack in the Box Stops Including Toys in Kids' Meals
Jack in the Box, the restaurant chain with more than 2,200 locations, will no longer include toys in its kids' meals. The move comes amid growing pressure on fast food purveyors to stop using toys to market to children.
Big Coals Buys Access to 4th Graders
Listen to Jim Hightower's Common Sense Commentary on the coal industry buying its way into classrooms via Scholastic.
Hope and Hypocrisy Under the Golden Arches
In the CCFC Blog: Susan Linn on McDonald's Happy Meals "Hope" commercial.
CCFC Salutes Michelle Obama's Efforts to Reduce Children's Screen Time
CCFC salutes Michelle Obama's new effort to reduce the amount of time children spend in front of screens in childcare settings.