Campaign For A Commercial Free Childhood

Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood is a national coalition of health care professionals, educators, advocacy groups and concerned parents who counter the harmful effects of marketing to children through action, advocacy, education, research, and collaboration. We support the rights of children to grow up and the rights of parents to raise them without being undermined by rampant commercialism. CCFC is headquartered at the NonProfit Center in Boston.
Updated: 30 min 2 sec ago
Comic Explosion: Disney Buys Marvel Entertainment
Making a dramatic move to broaden its products/characters for more of an older boy/teen audience, Walt Disney has agreed to acquire Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion in stock and cash.
FCC Commissioners Indicate Range of Concerns, Solutions For Content-Blocking Technologies
Report raises questions as to scope of commission's legal authority
Creating the Next Teen Star
Disney tries its magic to make Selena Gomez big, and to keep her 17.
Consumer Groups Launching Online Privacy Push
Will release documents to make their case for stronger government oversight of online marketing targeted to kids.
Toy Purchases: Little Room For Impulse Buys
It's likely that toy marketers -- who are still feeling the pressure not just of the recession, but of widespread safety concerns and massive recalls in recent years -- will pull out all the stops as the fourth quarter progresses.
Mattel Goes Back to the Future for Hot Wheels
Hot Wheels Battle Force 5, an animated TV series based on a new line of toy cars, is scheduled to make its debut on Saturday morning on Cartoon Network.
FCC 'Safe Viewing' Report Tees Up More Study
Inquiry will include a request for better data
No Viagra Ads Before 10PM?
Congressman Introduces Bill That Would Ban ED-Drug Advertising During Certain Hours
Kindergarten Cram
Instead of digging in sandboxes, todays kindergartners prepare for a life of multiple-choice boxes by plowing through standardized tests with cuddly names like Dibels (pronounced dibbles), a series of early-literacy measures administered to millions of kids; or toiling over reading curricula like Open Court which features assessments every six weeks.
BK Warms Up Grill With Facebook App
The app rewards people with a coupon for BK's signature burger when they cull 10 friends.
Children Feel Weight of Body Image
Anxieties about looks push kids into diets as early as age 10.
Using Milk-Carton Ads to Build Strong Brands
Hoping to reach children at school and shoppers at the store, a growing number of national brands are turning to an old medium: milk cartons.
Years Later, Mattel Embraces Barbie Girl'
Television commercials featuring the new version of the song are scheduled to start running in mid-October. The hoopla is all intended to promote a new variety of Barbie called Barbie Fashionistas.
Transformers Movies Caught in FCC Content Filtering Inquiry
How did the Transformers movies wind up in an FCC proceeding on content-blocking devices? And what's so bad about them anyway?
Start-Up Plays Offline
Company Seeks to Bridge Online Divide With Game
Teens Inhabit 'Digital Marketing Ecosystem,' Research Suggests
Today's teens inhabit a "digital marketing ecosystem" where their identities and interactions are virtually inseparable from the logos stamped all over them, new research suggests.
Drink Up: Cable Alcohol Ads Reaching Teens
Cable TV alcohol advertising is reaching a disproportionate number of teens, according to a study by researchers from the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and UCLA.
FCC Will Reassess V-Chip, Ratings System
Critics argue that the V-Chip is little-used -- and needs updating.
Privacy Concerns Arise Over Student Data
Privacy concerns have touched off a debate this summer about whether schools should change the practice of sharing student contact information with outside sources.
CCFC Blasts New Hasbro/Discovery Channel Children's Netowrk
This partnership represents a new low in childrens television, a network devoted to showing infomercials for Hasbros toys and games. It will make a mockery of existing ad limits and the current prohibition of product placement in childrens television.