Campaign For A Commercial Free Childhood

Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood is a national coalition of health care professionals, educators, advocacy groups and concerned parents who counter the harmful effects of marketing to children through action, advocacy, education, research, and collaboration. We support the rights of children to grow up and the rights of parents to raise them without being undermined by rampant commercialism. CCFC is headquartered at the NonProfit Center in Boston.
Updated: 28 min 50 sec ago
Children Spending Half As Much Time in Class As They Do Looking at Screens
Children are spending twice as much time in front of a TV or computer screen as in the classroom, according to a new book on how big business targets young consumers aggressively though new media.
For Sale: Wholesomeness
Dolls, purses, perfumes now are marketed with extra added values, like self-esteem and sharing. But are girls really just learning to be buyers?
Your Client's Ad in Public Schools
How to place ads in school buildings across the U.S.
The 'toxic' Web generation: Children spend six hours a day in front of screens
Youngsters are shunning books and outdoor games to spend up to six hours a day in front of a screen, a survey has revealed.
CCFC Statement on the FCC's BusRadio Report
In an important new report, the FCC agrees with many of CCFC's core concerns about BusRadio.
Cash Strapped California Schools Seek Sponsors to Raise Funds
Facing staggering budget cuts, districts are increasingly turning to outside sources of revenue, including selling ad space and offering naming rights.
McDonald's, Fox Sign Global Movie Tie-In Deal
McDonald's and Twentieth Century Fox have announced a global partnership around the studio's movies that encompasses Happy Meal toys, commercials and online tie-ins.
How Online Gaming Companies Are Trying To Make Money From Kids
One big challenge for online game companies is how to make money from children who play lots of games online but don't have any cash
American Idol Goes Virtual Via Habbo
The Fox ratings juggernaut will launch an Idol-branded locale within Habbo, one of a handful of increasingly popular virtual worlds aimed at teens.
Marketing American Girlhood
Felicity's tilt-top tea table and chairs, $98.00; Addy's trunk, $159.00; Molly's vanity table, $60.00; girls learning about consumption and brand loyalty by the age of 10, priceless.
For Trailers, Green Now Means Watch Carefully
Due to an MPAA policy change, not all promos are age-appropriate.
Summit, Habbo Strike 'Twilight' Deal
The dreamiest vampires in literature and film are set to explode on another medium: virtual worlds.
Girls and Dieting, Then and Now
Researchers have seen a marked increase in children's concerns about thinness in just the past few years. Between 2000 and 2006, the percentage of girls who believe that they must be thin to be popular rose to 60% from 48%, according to Harris Interactive surveys of 1,059 girls conducted for the advocacy group Girls Inc.
Parents to President Obama: Unfettered Commercialism is Harming our Children
As the nation celebrates the first Mothers and Fathers Days since the inauguration of President Obama, the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood is urging the President to launch a systematic review of the regulations on marketing to children to determine whether they offer adequate protection for twenty-first century families.
PBS to Shorten Time Commitments for Sponsorships
Companies will soon be able to sponsor some PBS programs for as little as one week at a time, rather than a full year.
Burger King Takes Heat Over 'Highly Sexualised' Kids Ad
A letter-writing campaign launched in response to a controversial new ad by Burger King in the US has mobilised nearly 10,000 concerned citizens over the course of three weeks.
A Text Arrives. Oh, It's Just an 'Idol' Ad.
Some ATT Wireless customers have voted an emphatic no on a promotion for American Idol that popped up on their phones this week.
Game Industry Finally Notices Girls
Design, baby-sitting video games target a growing market.
TV Does Toddlers More Harm Than Good Expert Warns
Allowing infants and toddlers to watch DVDs and TV does them more harm than good, experts warn as a review of research finds it affects language development.
March of the Penguin
Disney's $350 million bird is spreading its wings.